This document supplements the documentation packaged with QuadToneRIP software to help in the installation and use of QuadToneRIP, using Piezography K6 and K7 inks.
Installing and using QuadToneRIP with Piezography K6 and K7 inks
QTR settings on Windows computers
What to expect with QTR and K6/K7 inks
Background on QuadToneRIP Because Piezography K6 and K7 inks are so different from Epson color inks, special software is needed to properly print Black and White images with them. We have chosen QuadToneRIP (QTR), a shareware product, as a print engine for our inks and all supported printers. A second piece of software, Studioprint RIP, can also be used, but it is only supported for large format printers, models 4000 and higher. QTR is available for download from The software comes preloaded with profiles (called “curves”) for approximately 25 different papers, for each of the models we support (note that the 7000/7500/9000/9500 series of profiles contain fewer than 25 paper choices). A list of profiled papers for all supported printer models is available here: Supplying pre-made curves eliminates the need for most people to use the built-in curve creation tools in QuadToneRIP, although that is still an option, if desired.
Printer models supported with Piezography K6 and K7 inks, and QuadToneRIP:
Epson Stylus Photo 1280, 1290, 1400, 2100, 2200, R1800, R800, R2400
Epson Stylus Pro 7000, 7500, 9000, 9500, 7600, 9600, 4000, 4800, 7800, 9800
Required Operating Systems:
Mac: OS X Tiger 10.4 (recommended), Panther 10.3, Jaguar 10.2
Windows: XP Pro (recommended), XP Home, 2000.
You will find information and support for QTR from the following sources:
· General QTR and profiling questions: Roy Harrington at [email protected]
· Windows QTR-gui Software-related questions: Steve Billard at [email protected]
The vendor of K6 and K7 inks will support ink-related issues, but cannot support the use of QuadToneRIP software. Please refer to the above links and email addresses for QTR support issues.
Installing and Using QuadToneRIP on Windows and Mac OS X computers
Installing QTR
1. Download the most recent version of QTR for your operating system.
2. Install QTR on your computer, and install the K6 or K7 curves for your printer (Mac only), following the instructions supplied with the software.
3. Install your Piezography K6 or K7 inks by following the following the instructions for your printer model, from the following website:
4. Register your copy of QTR.
5. If you use a Mac computer, you will print your images through the printer driver, and if you use a Windows system, you will open TIFF images in the QTR GUI program, for printing.
QuadToneRIP appears and is used differently on Windows XP and Mac OS X systems. Below is information for both platforms, to supplement and emphasize relevant information in the users’ guides. Note that some of the information below contradicts the instructions in the users’ guide. In those cases, please follow the information presented below.
QuadToneRIP settings on Windows systems
The Windows version of QuadToneRIP is a standalone program (QTR GUI). When you install the most recent version of QTR, the paper curves for K6 or K7 inks on the printer models mentioned above will automatically install with the software.
Working with images: in Photoshop or other imaging software, make sure your images are grayscale gamma 2.2, and saved in TIFF format.
When ready to print, select your image from within the QTR GUI. Make the following settings:
Printer Name: Select the model of printer you are using, for example, Epson Stylus Pro 7600
Printing model: QuadXXXX-NK6 or QuadXXXX-NK7, where “XXXX” is the actual model number of your printer (e.g., Stylus Pro 7600).
Media Type: Matte
Curves: choose the curve for the paper you are using. Select only one curve; do not blend two different curves. As a precaution, you may choose the same curve twice. If you inadvertently print with “none” selected, your prints will look very dark. You will use the same paper curve, whether you are using Neutral or Sepia K6 and K7 inks, or a blend of the two inks (“split-toned” printing).
Dither Algorithm: we suggest “ordered,” as the best compromise between speed and efficiency.
Resolution: 2880 dpi for most printers. The exceptions are the Stylus Pro 7000/7500/9000/9500 models, which must be set to 1440 dpi.
Speed: You may use either Faster (bidirectional printing) or Better (unidirectional printing). If the printer is in good alignment, the Faster setting will produce good results. If you see image problems or banding with the Faster setting, try the Better setting.
Ink Limit and Gamma Adjustment: Do not move these sliders.
Press the “Print” button to print.
QuadToneRIP settings on Mac OSX systems
The Macintosh version of QuadToneRIP installs as a printer driver, accessible any time you wish to print.
1. Install QTR and the desired curves. To install the curves for your printer model, you must open the K6 or K7 folder for the printer you are using, and click on the “install QuadXXXX” icon, where XXXX is your printer model number.
2. Open an image, and prepare it for printing. The image must be a grayscale gamma 2.2 image for best results. Since you will be printing directly from an imaging program (e.g., Photoshop), you may save the images in any format you wish.
3. When ready to print, go to File>Print with preview. Make the following settings, depending on your operating system:
In Photoshop versions CS and older, select:
-Source Space: grayscale gamma 2.2
-Print Space: same as source
In Photoshop version CS2, select:
-Document: profile: gray gamma 2.2
-Color Handling: Let printer determine color (For Epson 1400 it is preferred to now select "No Color Management")
4. Press “Print” to be taken to the printer driver. After properly installing QuadToneRIP, new printers will appear in the printer list. Depending on the printer you wish to use, it will appear as “QuadXXXX-NK6” or “QuadXXXX-NK7,” where “XXXX” represents the model of your printer (for example the R1800). Note that the “N” appears in the printer name, whether you have a Neutral or Sepia, or split set of ink.
5. After selecting your printer, go to the “copies and pages” pull down menu, and select “QuadToneRIP.” Make the following settings in this window:
· Mode: QuadToneRIP
· Curve1: Choose the curve you wish to use.
· Curve2: Choose either “none” or as a precaution, choose the same curve as curve 1.
· Resolution: 2880dpi, except when using the following printers, in which case you must select 1440 dpi: 7000/7500/9000/9500.
· High Speed: You may use either Faster (bidirectional printing) or Better (unidirectional printing). If the printer is in good alignment, the Faster setting will produce good results. If you see image problems or banding with the Faster setting, try the Better setting.
· Do not change the Ink Limit and Gamma Adjustment boxes.
The media setting and dither algorithm selections are located in the “Printer Features” section of the “Copies and Pages” pull down menu. We recommend you leave the media setting at Matte paper, and the dither algorithm set to “ordered.”
6. When you are finished making your selections, press the “Print” button.
What to expect with QuadToneRIP and Piezography K6 and K7 inks: When used correctly, your prints should show a smooth gradient from white to black, and no visible dots in the highlights. If you find that the densities are incorrect, please check the following details:
Nozzle check pattern: a perfect nozzle check pattern is required for printing images correctly. On six color printers you will see six sections that contain different densities from one another. On seven color printers you will see seven sections that contain different densities from one another. On eight color printers, including the R1800 and R800, and R2400 printer, you will see seven unique sections, plus one magenta colored section, which is printed by the flush cartridge located in the eighth slot of the printer. On the 4000 printer, you will see seven individual sections, and an eighth section that may be clear, or magenta or black, depending on which cartridge you have placed into the photo black slot (slot number 5).
Certain printers, especially the R1800, R800 and “K3” printer models have such small dots that the lightest inks are difficult to see. If you see a nozzle check pattern section that appears to be missing any printing, look very closely to see if one is in fact present.
Curve selection: as mentioned above, you must use a single curve when printing with these inks. You may select the same curve twice, in which case the location or amount of the tone blend adjustment is unimportant, but if you select one curve and leave the second curve set to “none,” you must be certain to print exclusively with the chosen curve, by setting the tone blend 100 percent to that side. If you were to print with a blend of the correct curve and with a “none” curve, your prints will have poor results.
Ink placement/type issues: most printer models will only work with a cartridge in the correct slot of the printer. However, there are a few cases where inks may not be configured correctly to work with the premade curves in QuadToneRIP. These cases are:
7000, 7500 9000. 9500 printer models. Cartridges can be placed into the incorrect slots in the printer. When this happens, the curves, which are intended for use with a particular ink order in the printer, will not work. This web page shows the correct location of the cartridges in the slots of the printer:
Incorrectly filled Continuous Inking System: it is possible to put the incorrect order of inks in the cartridges of a CIS. This link contains a table that shows the correct location of inks in your printer: Look in the fourth column for the ink fill order for your specific printer model.
Mixture of K6 or K7 inks with another ink set. It is possible in certain printers to use a combination of K6 or K7 inks, along with PiezoTone inks. Such mixtures of K6 or K7 ink, plus PiezoTone ink does not work with QuadToneRIP.